August 24, 2023

Look at the purple flowers!

I'm so happy walking around here. The birds are oddly quiet. It gives this unique vibe in the forest, like nature's holding its breath. I do miss the chirping, but I get it, birds need their peace during molting 'cause it takes so much energy. They're just finding a hideout (and chilling). [1]

Letting the Imagination Run Wild
It's kinda like going through the menopause, I realize. Sometimes you just don't have the energy to be all cheerful. I chuckle because my imagination is going wild again, and I snap a pic of my shadow on the forest path. Hey there, it's me... Not molting. But I've already come a long way through my menopause, you know?"

Sighing Trees
Now I'm passing through this sad part of the woods. Climate change is causing a massive die-off of larch and spruce trees. Like way back, the apostle Paul said creation groans in birth pains, well, I'm groaning a bit too as I walk through here. It looks so gloomy. I glance up at the blue sky. When will He make all things new? That's when Earth will be truly beautiful. More amazing than I can imagine.

I've Sighed Too
A couple of weeks ago, I was sighing too. I couldn't see a way forward. Lisa Elliot wrote in her blog: "We all have a limit. And I reached mine. Not for the first time in my life. I felt emotionally, mentally, and spiritually drained." [2] Her words hit me 'cause they perfectly summed up how awful I felt. I'm thinking back to that as I walk past these dead trees.

From My Diary:
July 31

Lately, I've been having these dark thoughts. Just saw the photo of Mom and Dad on the wall, and a bunch more pics of people who've passed away. I'm crying over the imperfection, over life being "a sigh," grieving losses... (in my diary, I mention names and stuff). I can't see beauty; I feel drained. But...

(Continue below the photo)

💖 But... Mandy's blog comforted me. [3] She wrote,

"God is waiting for you, to take you in His arms, to recharge you, restore you, and refresh you with His Holy Spirit. Sometimes He does it like a fast charger, in rapid time. But more often, He takes His time with you, sets you apart, and fills you with His Holiness. It might feel like it takes forever, but He's got you and wants to have you with Him in Eternity."

God knows about me. He sees how exhausted I feel, and all I have to do is to be His child.

End of my Diary Page


Yep, yep, yep, it's blooming still!
I leave the sighing spruces far behind and head toward the heath. Thanks to God, a few weeks of rest, my hubby's love, a talk with the therapist... I'm feeling resilient again and way happier. Plus... being in nature is just awesome! I keep coming back to the heath to check if it's still blooming. And every time, I'm almost dancing as I say: yep, yep, yep, it's still in bloom.

💜 I can already see my bench.

If Jesus Sat Beside Me, What'd...
I drop my backpack and walking stick and take a seat. This is my spot for reading, letting-go-of-everything spot, savoring spot, meeting spot. And I think: if Jesus sat next to me on this bench, what would He say? He'd probably point to the heath and say:

Look at those purple flowers. They don't toil or worry about their existence. Even Solomon, with all his splendor, can't match their beauty. Why are you so anxious? Let go. Your Heavenly Father knows what you need. If He cares this much for these heath plants—every summer, He calls them back from death to life—how much more will He care for your immortal soul and your mortal body?

Preaching to Myself
Alright, so Jesus isn't sitting right next to me on this bench, that's for sure. But you know what's so nice? He left us His words, and I'm giving myself a good dose of that Good News. I've had moments when I'm just plain worn out, and days when I'm wrestling with some serious doubt. But here's the thing: if He's putting so much effort into making that field look stunning every single summer, can't I trust that He's more than capable of looking out for me too?


Loving This Warm Light
As I head back to my bike, I'm completely focused on the beautiful trees around me. Fortunately, the world isn't all dead spruces. Sunlight makes its way to the forest floor. In August, those sunbeams seem to have a velvety glow; I wish I could hold onto it all day: sun gold! [4] And as a bonus, I spot an amazing spider web hanging between the trees. I walk through a deep layer of old leaves to get there and snap a photo.

“When summer gathers up her robes of glory, and like a dream of beauty glides away.”
— Sarah Helen Whitman

✨ I wanted to capture the web's sparkle. Did I succeed?

Quote from Elyse F.
I'm wrapping up my blog post with a quote to encourage my fellow Christian "sisters":

Let the counsel of Jesus penetrate deep into your hopeless heart, take root, and grow into complete trust: "Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." (John 14:27) "Whoever believes in Me will live, even though they die" (John 11:25). Yeah, it might look gloomy, but joy comes in the morning, with the break of day. Source: Home, Elyse Fitzpatrick [5]

[1] Moulting Birds
[2] Lisa Eliott: The well that never runs dry (lees het)
[3] Mandy's blog: Zoete Genade
[4] During August, the sun is positioned lower in the sky. Its rays have to traverse a greater expanse of atmosphere before reaching our eyes. This leads to a greater scattering of light, giving it a softer quality.
[5] Book: Home, how heaven and the new earth satisfy our deepest longing

🚶‍♀️🌳 Have you ever gone for a walk in August? Your experience? 
🌲😢 Seen dead trees due to drought? What did you feel?

Linked to: One Word 2023 August Linkup (my One Word is healthy)


  1. Aritha, such a beautiful blog! the photos are stunning, but the words so precious and life giving. Thank you for your vulnerability in sharing your "sighs", your grief. While grief may bring unpleasantness, sharing grief brings a beauty in the fellowship of sharing that hard place with someone who understands. Loved the photo of you on your bench!

    1. Thank you so much Donna. I love your kind comment.

  2. Absolutely gorgeous pictures, Arieth! Sending you a big hug for the time of heart grief. It is so hard when most of our family has gone before us! Rejoicing with you in the self-care, love, and rest and all the many ways nature refreshes your spirit, your soul and your body. He is so kind to us!

    1. Lisa, thank you so much for your uplifting response and kind words. Your comment truly made my day. May the Lord bless you 🙏.

  3. Arieth, you've discovered so many beautiful images and truth and life lessons in the woods. Thank you for sharing your observations!

    1. Thanks, Linda, for taking the time to peek around the corner of my blog. I really appreciate that gesture. Your interest means a lot to me.

  4. How wonderful that you found ways to be encouraged by God, by other humans, and by nature. This is indeed encouraging and very "healthy." :) Glad you added this to our One Word linkup!

  5. Aritha: Thank you for the 'shot in the arm!" I enjoyed reading this blog post. I really enjoyed seeing the spider web all aglow. I come here from Lisa Notes' One Word post. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


I'm really happy with your comment! Thank you so much.