March 25, 2025

Abide in March

Yes, this year, my One Word is Abide. It sounded quiet and peaceful when I chose it. But now, I see how much I need it—especially in a world that feels heavy and uncertain.

🌹Big thanks to Lisa for the idea behind these three reflections (below)—so helpful!

1. Abide in a Time of Worry

Every day there’s new political tension, new headlines, new reasons to worry. I catch myself scrolling, wondering…

What will Russia do next? What if something happens to the nuclear plant in Ukraine? (We have iodine tablets in the kitchen—just in case the wind blows this way 😉). And then there’s the Middle East. Israel. Violence. Fear.

It’s easy to get overwhelmed. And I’ve responded wrong sometimes. I once wrote a sarcastic piece about Trump. Another time, a short story about boycotting American products. They were creative—but I didn’t feel peace afterward. Just more noise in my soul.

What did bring peace?
Sitting with Jesus.
Letting the news go.

“Abide in Me, and I in you.” — John 15:4. That’s where I want to be. Not spinning in worry. But staying close to Him.

2. What Abide Feels Like

These words help me picture what it means to abide:

  • Dwell – to live somewhere, to feel safe

  • Remain – to stay put, not run away

  • Rest – to trust, not try to fix everything

If I had to pick a backup word, I’d choose dwell.
Here’s how I see it:

Dwell is where I take off my shoes. Abide is where I stay when life gets scary.

3. When I Don’t Abide…

These are the opposites of abide that show up in my life:

  • Leave – I check out spiritually and let fear lead

  • Wander – I scroll and scroll, hoping for answers

  • Resist – I try to take control instead of trusting God

But abiding doesn’t mean ignoring what’s happening in the world.
It means staying close to Jesus while everything shakes.

When I abide, I stop the noise.
I breathe.
I whisper, “Lord, You are my refuge.”
And it’s enough.

What About You?

Do you have a short abide moment from this month?
A time when you chose peace instead of panic?

I’d love to hear it. Share in the comments or link your blog below. Let’s encourage each other to keep abiding—especially now. 💛


PS I took the three photos on a sunny morning: tulips from the bouquet my husband gave me, the blue matryoshka dolls on my windowsill, and the leaves of my pelargonium—also on the windowsill

🌹Linked to Lisa's One Word 2025 March Linkup


  1. Don't try to fix everything. That one hits home. I thought I had offended someone in a bible study. I thought to write to her an explain, but the Lord gave me peace not to. Do you know what? I think that was okay, not to fix it. What I said was the truth, as I believe, and if she was offended (shocked, maybe) it was because she believes differently. It's okay to say something and leave it at that.

  2. What a great reflection! It's so easy to get caught in overwhelm these days. It's great that your word abide is helping you to stop the noise.

  3. I love the word "abide". It reminds me of the old hymn, "Abide With Me", asking the Lord to abide with me when darkness deepens..."Abide with me, fast falls the eventide
    The darkness deepens, Lord with me abide; When other helpers fail and comforts flee;
    Help of the helpless, oh, abide with me" That thought gives me great comfort when times get uncertain or scary. Asking Jesus to abide with me gives me peace and calm. I know that God is in control no matter what is happening in the world around us. We can put our trust in Him and sleep in peace.


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