December 17, 2023

Unfiltered: When My One Word Let Me Down 🌟

So, this year, I thought "healthy" would be my thing, a simple fix. But let's be real – it's been more like a roller coaster with allergies and stress hormones thrown in.

January brought the loss of my father-in-law to cancer, and then February served up a surprise church plot twist (church division) 🙏 Perhaps 'healthy' wasn't the ideal word for a season where life had its own script!

Truth is: I tried to make better choices, but I'm no health guru. Some days, I mess up, choose not-so-healthy stuff, and just feel like I've goofed.

My grace is sufficient for you
Here's the deal – I'm learning that God is there for me. His grace covers me, especially on those not-so-great days. It's like a safety net for my imperfect self. Even when I'm a mess, He is there, whispering, "My grace is enough for you."

I asked God for health, but...
As the year wraps up, I'm letting go of the pressure to be a health superstar. Whether or not I pick another word, I'm just rolling with it and accepting that I'm me – flaws and all. Because, let's be real, God and His grace in Jesus are the real deal in this imperfect journey of mine. 

💔 I need Him every hour.

I asked God for strength,
but, He made me weak
so that to His will . . .
I would daily seek.

I asked God for health,
but, He made me queasy
so that I would see . . .
the faithful race wasn’t easy.

I asked God for riches,
but, He made me poor
so that I would hear . . .
Jesus’ knock on the door.

I asked God for happiness.
but, He made me sorrowful
so that for my sins . . .
I’d repent and be mournful.

I asked God why,
I didn’t get my heart’s desire
He told me it was because . . .
I AM so much wiser!
Deborah Ann Belka

😊 Have you ever chosen a One Word? If so, how was that experience for you? 

Linked to Sweet Tea & Friends


  1. I love the poem! Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  2. You've had a lot of change and loss this year, Aritha. :( Maybe the fact that you survived this year proves that you are healthier than you realized! Our words don't always work out like we originally plan for them to, but somehow they still work their way into our lives. I've seen lots of good "health" in your blog posts this year! Whether or not you choose a new word for 2024, I hope we'll stay in touch.

  3. Aritha, I hear what you're saying. Advent was my 2023 word and I didn't do anything with it. I have been participating in Lisa's One Word since 2021 and I was a lot better with those.
    Thanks so much for sharing this with Sweet Tea & Friends this month dear friend.

    1. Thanks for Sweet Tea & Friends. It is so good. And also thanks for your response. Sometimes things take unexpected turns. I hope you'll join Lisa's One Word again this year? Who knows, it might be helpful.

  4. Anonymous12/27/2023

    Aritha, we cannot control what life throws at us; we can only control our response. You may have thought about physical health when you chose your word but I see a healthy character in your posts. Well done!

    Barb Hegreberg

    1. Oh thank you so much Barb. Yes, I was mainly thinking about physical health. And when that fluctuates... it gets tough. Your response changes my day. Thank you so much.


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