February 06, 2023

How to Stay Healthy with Histamine Allergies

Hi there! Today, I want to talk about a topic that's close to my heart: My One Word HEALTHY. Recently, I had a bit of a health scare. My internist/immunologist warned me that too much one-sided food could make my health fragile.

And let's face it, no one wants to be fragile! So, I decided to do some research and explore the synonyms and antonyms of My One Word "Healthy."

As it turns out, there are many synonyms for "Healthy" that can help me understand what it truly means to be healthy. Words like "Vital," "Robust," and "Fit" all connote a state of good health and well-being.

On the other hand, the antonyms of "Healthy" like "Unhealthy," "Sick," and "Ill" remind me of what I need to avoid in order to stay healthy. These words may be scary, but they serve as a helpful reminder of the consequences of neglecting our health.

Tips for a Healthy Lifestyle
So, what have I learned from my research? First of all, it's important to take care of my body and minds in a balanced way. Too much of anything, even healthy food, can have negative consequences. And secondly, exploring the synonyms and antonyms of a word can help me gain a deeper understanding of its meaning. I've known this all along. I know I have to strive to be as healthy as possible in all areas of my life.

Not sitting in the chair for too long.

Not watching nature webcams at night (haha)

Eating healthy and varied food.

How to Stay Healthy with Histamine Allergies
But there's a problem on my path. I can't eat a lot of food because I'm allergic to histamine in the food. How do I stay healthy with that? I refuse to let that stop me from living a healthy and fulfilling life. I'm seeking help from an immunologist who will guide me towards a balanced diet, even with my food allergies. You know: when life gives you histamine allergies, make low-histamine lemonade! Oh no, give me coffee instead please. 

Luckily, I am allowed to drink coffee with milk. All jokes aside, it can be tough to navigate dietary restrictions 

1 comment:

  1. Aritha: I have been navigating food choices since July of 2014. I cannot have wheat, barley or rye in my diet. Oats also bother me. It is called celiac disease. The foods that are Gluten-free are rather expensive. However, I still remember what caused me to truly seek medical help. Peace and blessings to you and yours.


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